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SnapUp is played using a hollow ball containing a solid magnetic sphere. The magnetic sphere makes the ball roll inconsistently, so that each roll will always be a bit different.

The game area is defined by rope which is laid out on a flat surface, like a tabletop or the floor. The rope serves to both define the play area and prevent the ball from rolling away. Size of the field can be adjustable and up to the players depending on skill levels and available room.

Each player takes turns rolling the ball towards a row of four cards in the middle of the field. The color of the card indicates both its point value and its difficulty in acheiving a "snap up". The more points a card is worth, the harder it is to snap it up using the ball. Rolling the ball "just right" over the card, and it's snapped up by the magnetic force.

As cards are snapped up, new cards are dealt from the deck. Gameplay continues until all cards in the deck are used. Players can add up points based not only card value, but also on how many sets of matching cards are captured. For example, four red cards (the hardest) gives a player an extra 25 bonus points while four green cards (the easiest) gives a player an extra 10 points, and so on.





Simple to learn. Easy & Fast to play.

First live test of prototype game with two kids at local library.

Simple & Economical to Manufacture. Safe TO SELL.  

SnapUp would use manufacturing techniques typically found in today's packaging. Using those techniques, the magnetic and metal discs would be embedded into the cards.

Using that packaging technique and because the magnetic sphere is enclosed inside the ball, any risk of magnet ingestion is removed.


Using rope as the boundary enables a variety of game area sizes. Keeping manufacturing in mind though, rope is readily available, relatively inexpensive, and easily customizable in terms of lengths, materials and colors.


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